AgroBankTech Digital INNovation invites us to present our solution at FIMA 2024
As we already told in this post, FIMA 2024 has been the scene of interesting presentations and technical sessions in which the digitization of the agricultural sector has been a cross-cutting theme.
AgroBankTech Digital INNovation has used the loudspeaker of this important event to give visibility to the second edition of its program to attract talent and search for technological solutions capable of transforming the agricultural sector. In this context, it has held a session in which it has invited four disruptive companies of the agrotech ecosystem to present their projects, including SPHERAG.
Our colleague Álvaro Velasco, CSO of SPHERAG, participated with a pitch aimed at showing how the technology developed by our company helps to address the enormous challenge posed by the lack of water for the agricultural sector.

Disruptive technology to address the challenge of water scarcity
Farmers today face the challenge of increasing their production – the world’s population continues to grow – in a context of water shortages and rising production costs. The outlook for irrigation districts, which have to manage a resource that is as necessary as it is scarce, is not much better.
Our technology is based on a cloud-based information and control platform that uses autonomous IoT devices to act in real time on irrigation elements and receive information from sensors installed in the field. This comprehensive solution allows a simple and quick installation, intuitive operation within the reach of any user – whatever their level of digitization – and total control of the irrigation installation in real time.
Want to know more? Click here if you are a farmer or here if you are an irrigation district administrator. And if you need even more info, don’t hesitate to contact us!